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Ever wondered why WhatsApp calls fade out despite being served by high bandwidth !

Knowledge and Skill Gap

There are appox. 150 moving parts or technical reasons that are known to impact voice, data or video Internet Quality of Experience (QoE). Reason why even low-bandwidth-demanding applications like WhatsApp calls often face issues

Call Drops

As per a CISCO report , 80 % of mobile traffic originates or terminates indoors. In today’s WFH era, you don’t want your call to drop during a deal-clinching moment.

Cyber Security

Experts see a 500 % surge in cyberattacks post lockdown.
These vulnerabilities can take a heavy toll leading to adverse productivity and financial implications.

Productivity Drop Due to WFH

Working parents are unable to deliver peak performance owing to lack of dedicated work spaces due to distractions and domestic obligations.

Furthermore, Capgemini Research Institute, in its global study emphasises that the shift to hybrid working is invertible